Plants Insights : A Comprehensive Care Guide for Plants
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We pride ourselves on promoting horticulture and inspiring people to make the earth a greener place. Our mission is to circulate first-hand plant care knowledge and provide recommendations to keep the houseplants flourishing.
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Rattlesnake Plant | Calathea Lancifolia Care Guide
Calathea Lancifolia gets the nickname of Rattlesnake plant due to the markings on the leaves that resemble rattle snakeskin patterns.
Calathea Orbifolia | Orbit Peacock Plant Care Guide
The Calathea Orbifolia also known as Orbit Peacock Plant and Round Leaf Calathea is a beautiful, but difficult plant with large round leaves.
Calathea Ornata Pink | Pinstripe Calathea Care Guide
Calathea Ornata also known as Pinstripe Calathea is a challenging plant with beautiful pink stripes on green leaves with violet undersides.
Calathea Medallion Roseopicta Care Guide
Calathea Medallion Roseopicta is a well-admired houseplant requiring little care to be beautiful and possesses gorgeous, oval green leaves.
Calathea Rufibarba | Velvet Calathea Care Guide
Calathea Rufibarba, also known as Furry Feather Calathea and Velvet Calathea , is famous for its bright green leaves with purple undersides.