Alocasia Baginda Dragon Scale | Jewel Alocasia Care

Greetings Alocasia Lovers!!

Are you a staunch plant lover and looking for something exclusive and elegant? Then no need to search for anything other than Alocasia Baginda Dragon Scale- an exquisite Jewel Alocasia. This spectacular Alocasia plant is adored for its incredible textured foliage that look like the Dragon Scale. Additionally, the leaves are rigid and malleable. Because of its low growth and compact size, it’s ideal for small places, such as Ikea Green Cabinets or coffee tables. Alocasia Dragon Scale is a rare Alocasia favorite among plant collectors and lovers alike because of its striking gaze and small size. 

Alocasia Baginda Dragon Scale | Jewel Alocasia Care

Previously named Alocasia Baginda Dragon Scale is native to the tropical regions of south east Asia. This gorgeous evergreen plant has some challenging needs if you intend to grow it indoors. It’s less fussy than some of its relatives but still demanding compared to other houseplants. It needs a specific environment where it can thrive. 

This salient plant is mainly liked for its fabulous foliage, but it also produces trivial spathe-like flowers in summer and spring. 

Allied Species: Alocasia Sarian, Alocasia Pink Dragon, Alocasia Cuprea, Alocasia LauterbachianaAlocasia Silver Dragon, Alocasia Stingray, Alocasia Regal Shields, Alocasia Nebula, Alocasia Maharani, Alocasia Jacklyn , Alocasia Melo.

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Habitat & Ecology

Botanical Name: Alocasia Baginda ‘Dragon Scale’ 
Family Name: Araceae
Common names: Alocasia Dragon Scale, Jewel Alocasia
Plant Size2-3 ft. tall , 1-2 ft. wide
Plant type:Flowering Perennial
Light NeedBright Indirect light
SoilMoist but well-draining 
WaterWater when the top 40% of soil is dry.
Pest and DiseasesSpider mites and root rot

Alocasia Dragon Scale vs. Silver Dragon

Alocasia Dragon silver and Alocasia Dragon Scale both are variants of Alocasia Baginda. However, you can tell them apart based on their foliage. The Alocasia Silver Dragon features light gray textured leaves with ashy gray or silver markings contrasting deep green venation identical to silver dragon scales hence got the name Silver Dragon Alocasia. In contrast, Dragon Scale Alocasia exhibits rich dark green scaly textured leaves contrasting with grey or black colored veins.

Alocasia Dragon Scale vs. Silver Dragon

To sum up , Silver Dragon Alocasia features light grey coloured foliage whereas, Dragon scale Alocasia features dark green foliage.

How do you look after Alocasia Dragon Scale?

Dragon Scale Alocasia is considered a high-maintenance plant, but if you have grown Alocasias before then, you will have no difficulties with this unique loveliness. As they are habitual of living in tropical rainforests, try to imitate that environment at home when raising them indoors. When growing this tropical plant indoors, the most important thing to consider is the provision of enough humidity and light. 

Do you find gardening stressful but also like to grow plants at home? Many people find it hectic initially, but with little help and guidance, they learn to do it perfectly. Here, in this article, we have come up with the complete care guide for the Dragon Scale Alocasia. We are sure it will help you to become a pro plant parent, even if you are just a starter. 

How do you look after Alocasia Dragon Scale?

Initial Care at Home

Alocasia Dragon Scale comes from tropical habitats and craves that environment at your home too. So when you bring this beauty home initially, try to create the same environment to keep it healthy and happy. It is a rare plant, so it can do wonders if provided the proper care. It likes a warm and humid atmosphere with indirect sunlight. Keep it where it receives the right amount of light and humidity. 

When you bring this beauty home don’t forget to quarantine it for a while. Carefully inspect the leaves and look for any pests and diseases. We recommend showering this plant to eliminate any dust or potential pests.

Keep reading to know a detailed care guide for the Alocasia Dragon Scale. 

humidity and temperature

Humidity and Temperature Requirements:

As Jewel Alocasia are endemic to rainforests , Baginda Dragon Scale desires high humidity levels. The question arises here: Can this plant survive in low-humid places? The answer varies, but according to some gardeners, the plant can do well in as low as 40% humidity if keeping the watering and light exceptional. 

The perfect humidity level for the Dragon Scale is higher than 60%. However, if you feel the environment is running less humid for your beloved plant, consider placing a pebble tray or humidifier near the plant to reach ideal humidity levels. You can also keep your plant in a kitchen or bathroom with adequate light to attain certain levels. 

As for as the temperature is concerned, 50° to 80°F is ideal for the Alocasia Dragon Scale. On the other hand, at temperatures lower than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, the dragon scale will be unhappy and hinder its growth. 

Please ensure to place it in the right location, especially in winter. If the Alocasia Dragon Scale is exposed to lower temperatures, your beautiful plant can become dormant. Therefore, in the winter season, keep the room warm with the help of heaters. 

watering requirements

How often do you water Dragon Scales?

Correct watering is essential when it comes to Alocasia’s health. They don’t like to stand in water. But Dragon Scale prefers frequent watering and doesn’t allow the soil to become dry. So before watering, please let the top two inches ( 40%) of soil dry. Always drench the soil and let the excess water drains completely.

The watering method for the soilless potting is a bit different than the regular soil. If you are using a soilless mixture for your Alocasia Dragon Scale, bottom watering is the preferable method for watering the plant. It is worth declaring to avoid overwatering the plant to evade root rot and fungal infections.

We highly recommend a moisture meter or sensor to monitor the moisture of the soil to eliminate the risk of overwatering.

sunlight requirement

Light Need

Being a tropical plant, the best lightning for the Alocasia Dragon Scale is bright but indirect as the direct sunlight scorches the foliage, and you don’t want to look at your plant as unattractive, right?

light need of alocasia dragon scale

If you want it to thrive, place it near a sunny window or in filtered sunlight behind a vertical curtain. The ideal location for the plant is the 2 feet distance from the northeast-facing window. It would help if you move the plant container closer to the window in winter. Moreover Dragon Scale plant love to grow under the grow lights of Ikea Cabinets as well.

Don’t forget to rotate the plant regularly to allow balanced growth. Grow lights for this Alocasia plant is also adequate if your space doesn’t have enough sunlight. Moreover, if you keep the plant outdoors, place it in a shady spot to protect it from direct and intense light during the day to prevent burning of foliage.

soil requirement

Soil Requirements

Dragon Scale Alocasia loves a well-draining, airy, and chunky potting mix. However, the key to the healthy growth of the plant is the right soil mix. This plant doesn’t like dense, compact soil and is most likely to suffer from root rot. The purpose of airy chunky mix is that the roots of the plant can breath and soil holds the amount of water it needs and drains the excess.

The ideal potting mix for Dragon scale Alocasia should have equal parts of orchid bark, Coco Coir, and pumice. This soilless mixture will keep the plant healthy and happy.

  • Pumice: It helps in improving the soil structure and develops drainage. It also prevents the soil from being waterlogged. 
  • Coco peat: It’s best for retaining soil moisture and reducing the evaporation from the soil.
  • Orchid bark : Orchid bark is a premium ingredient for every soil mix as its great for drainage and aeration. 
  • Activated charcoal : Filter the impurities and balance the pH of the soil
  • Sand: For drainage

Alternatively you can get any good aroid mix from the market if you don’t want the hassle . Some well draining potting mix recommendations are;



Like all other Alocasias, the Dragon Scale also doesn’t like to be repotted. Repotting is a stressful event in a plant’s life that can result in leaves loss and plant dormancy. Therefore, gardeners suggest avoiding repotting until it’s categorically necessary.

When you notice the roots of the Dragon Scale are bulging out of drainage holes, it’s time to repot your plant. Spring is the best season for it. 

We recommend using a one-size larger pot only as over-potting can also lead to overwatering, which is very dangerous for the plant’s health. 


Propagation of Alocasia Dragon Scale

The perfect time for Alocasia Dragon Scale propagation is the growing season which is summer and spring. The promulgation of this exotic plant is easy. You can breed it using two methods. 

propagation of dragon scale alocasia

Division Method: 

When the Alocasia Dragon Scale matures, the stems come out of the central clump. Also, it might have baby plants that have emerged in the pot. 

  • Take out the plant gently from its container and examine if there are separate root systems for the baby plants.
  • Gently confiscate the separate pieces without damaging the roots.
  • Plant these new pieces in aptly sized pots. Please don’t use too big containers as it can cause the overwatering condition.
  • Water the new plants regularly and give them time for adjustment. In a few weeks, they will start to grow. 

Corms Method:

The corms are like bulbs, and mature Alocasia have several corms; they absorb water and nutrients. Usually you can find these corms in the soil at the time of repotting.

corm propagation of dragon scale alocasia
  • Take out the plant out of the container and carefully search for corms in the soil and within the root clumps.
  • Softly remove the corms attached to the primary roots using disinfected sharp scissors or a knife. (Don’t remove all the corms as they absorb nutrients required for the plant’s growth).
  • Place the corms in a shallow dish or container with little water. The corms should not completely dip into the water. Close the container or cover the dish with plastic wrap to elevate the humidity level .
  • If you don’t want a shallow puddle method you can place the corms in sphagnum moss to root.
  • Placing the corms at this stage in a brightly lit location is not necessary.
  • After about two weeks, you will notice tiny roots popping out, and a stem will sprout after a few days. 
  • Once the little plant starts growing, plant it in the Alocasia’s preferred soil mix and start treating it like a regular Dragon Scale plant. 
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