The Maranta genus is well known for its extraordinary foliage color combinations and patterns. The midrib and veins of the vegetation are painted in lime green color, while dark green broad lines turn into light green color on the margin of the leaves, giving it a classy look. Maranta lemon Lime displays beautiful textured, velvety look foliage with different shades of green.
Prayer plants are a beautiful addition to your green indoor collection, and they bring an artistic look to your home décor. Maranta species are kept in the home because of their gorgeous leaf patterns and great color schemes. In addition, this dense plant grows up to only one foot in height and spreads up to fourteen inches to be planted in a hanging pot or displayed in the center of the table.
Prayers plants are called Prayer-plants because their leaves respond according to the sunlight and the direction of the light. During the day, they open the foliage to get enough light. They automatically fold their leaves at night as they are praying.
Prominent Family Members: Maranta Leuconeura Red Stripe, Maranta Arundinacea, Maranta Kerchoveana, Maranta Leuconeura Silver Band
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How to care for Maranta Lemon Lime Prayer plant?
Maranta Lemon Lime are fussy plants, but with reasonable care and required favorable conditions, you can thrive it extraordinarily indoors. The Lemon Lime plant flourishes best in peat-based moist soil and requires a shaded area with diffused light in a hot and humid surrounding.
Moreover, they require regular watering keep the soil moist but not soggy, as they hate to live in damp or waterlogged soil. In this article, we will thoroughly guide you on how to keep your prayer plant healthy and flourish indoors and outdoors.

Adding Maranta Lemon Lime to the houseplant collection
Marana Lemon Lime is a gorgeous houseplant, and any plant-loving person would love to add it to the houseplant collection. However, thoroughly inspect the plant for any underlying disease or pests whenever you purchase a new plant.
Beautiful foliage of the Lemon Lime plant
Keep your new plant separated from other houseplants for two weeks as sometimes infestation takes time to appear. If the plant is entirely healthy after two weeks, shift it to the desired location.

Maranta Lemon Lime Light Requirements
In native Brazilian rainforests, dense canopies of rainforests trees don’t let direct sunlight reach the ground. On the contrary, direct sun rays’ exposure to the plant burns the tips of the leaf and fades or bleaches the fresh lime color of the foliage. As the Maranta Lemon Lime plant grows under these tall trees, it loves diffused bright sunlight to grow
If you notice the spots on the mid-span of leaves and the color of leaves is fading, the prayer plant is in too much light; immediately change its position to a medium-light area. The ideal place for Maranta Lemon Lime is a few feet away from a sun receiving window where direct sunlight cannot reach the plant.
Whereas outdoor place the plant where direct sun rays can’t approach, like under the shades of the trees, or make an artificial shade with shade cloth.

Lemon Lime Prayer Plant Temperature Requirements
Maranta Lemon Lime belongs to Brazilian’s tropical forests and grows best in hot environments, and the recommended temperature for Maranta Lemon Lime is between 60° – 80° F. The plant cannot tolerate temperatures lower than 60°F, and keeping it permanently under low temperatures will be hugely detrimental to its health.
An effective way to increase humidity is to use a plant humidifier or group all plants in a bright space. You may increase the humidity around Prayer Plant by placing it in a pebble tray containing water.
Misting is another commonly used method for increasing humidity; however, always ensure removing water droplets from leaves; otherwise, fungal growth will start on leaves.
Lemon Lime plants don’t like a sudden change in the temperature, and you shall keep them away from cold and hot drafts.

Maranta Marisela Humidity Requirements
Lemon Lime plant enjoys a high humid environment; therefore, make sure the indoor humidity level exceeds 60% for excellent growth. If foliage edges start becoming crispy and brown, the Lemon-lime prayer plant requires more humidity in its surrounding.
There are many methods to increase your indoor humidity levels; however, plant humidifiers are the best technique to maintain the required humidity indoors.

You can place the Maranta Lemon Lime in a water-filled pebble tray. It will increase the humidity level in the plant’s surroundings; however, make sure that the pot is not sitting in the water and should be placed above the stones.
Gathering all humidity-loving plants together will also be helpful as the transpiration naturally increases the air’s humidity level.
Misting is another good option but always wipe out the water drops from the leaves to protect them from bacterial and fungus diseases.

How often should I Water Maranta Lemon Lime?
Maranta Lemon Lime is a water-hungry plant, and it loves moist soil; therefore, make sure the soil remains moist all the time. This can be achieved by following a proper watering schedule based on soil moisture levels. Never allow the soil to dry out; avoid overwatering because it will invite bacterial and fungal infections, and soggy soil will damage the roots.
During the growing period, it requires water two times a week, and in winter, once a week will be enough; however water the plant once the upper layer of the potting soil becomes dry up to two inches.
You can monitor the soil moisture by dipping the finger in the soil or may use a soil moisture meter for an accurate result. It will inform you about the dryness of the soil and water the plant according to the meter result.
As per expert advice, we recommend using distilled water or rainwater at room temperature for watering the Maranta Lemon Lime plant. This plant is susceptible to tap water with high chlorine or fluoride, which can slowly damage the roots.

What is the best potting soil for Maranta Lemon Lime?
The soil in Amazon rainforests remains moist due to excessive rains and a humid environment. Therefore, Maranta Lemon Lime prefers moist soil to grow. However, the soil shall not be wet or soggy as it can initiate fungal diseases in roots. Therefore, the soil shall also be well-draining along with being moisture absorbent.
Adding peat moss and perlite to the soil mix will improve the soil’s moisture gathering capacity and draining capability, respectively. Therefore, If you want to prepare your soil mix, use the following ingredients in stated ratios.
Maranta Lemon Lime thrives in slightly acidic soil, preferring a PH ranging from 5.5 to 6.0.
You may use a ready-made soil mix for African violet for your Maranta plant. However, ensure using a sterilized soil mix; otherwise, it can carry harmful microbes and bacteria.
In autumn, add a tiny amount of organic mulch to insulate the plant from temperature draft, conserve water, and restore nutrients into the soil.

Pruning /Grooming & Maintenance
Indoor plants do purify not only the air but also provide greenery and an artistic look to home décor. Due to the unfavorable environment, plants show stress by brown spots on the leaves or changing the fresh green color to yellow. It would be best to prune the damaged and wilted leaves to recover the plant’s beauty. Pruning of the damaged or affected leaves will encourage the new foliage growth.
Use an alcohol swab or sanitizer to sterilize your tools before pruning to stay away from diseases and pests. Keep cleaning the Lemon Lime Maranta beautiful foliage from dust by wiping it with a soft cloth.
Over the period, the potting soil may accumulate excessive minerals, which are harmful to the Maranta plant. To recover from this issue, flush the soil with water to wash away the excessive minerals. Place the pot under a running stream of water for a few minutes and let the water drain from the pot, taking away the minerals.

Fertilization requirements for Maranta Leuconeura
Fertilization is essential for the healthy growth of a plant; therefore, fertilize the Maranta Fascinator plant every 2-3 weeks during the growing season. The growing season expands from early summer to late summer.
You may use a balanced 2-2-2 houseplant fertilizer and apply as per the instructions. Please avoid over-fertilization as it can cause roots damage and burning of leaves.
Note: Remember to water your plant before fertilizing it.

Repotting of Maranta Lemon Lime
We recommend repotting the Maranta Lemon Lime every two years; however, the time can vary depending on the plant’s growth. A root-bound plant will have stunted growth. If you observe the roots coming out from the drain hole or emerging from the potting soil, it’s time to move it to a new home by repotting in a slightly bigger pot.
Follow the following guidelines to repot your plant;
Note: Maranta Lemon Lime has shallow roots, so pick a shallow pot instead of deep.

Propagation Maranta Lemon Lime
You can increase the number of your Prayer plants by propagating through root division which is an easy way to make new saplings from a healthy mother plant.
The number of baby plants will depend on the mother plant’s size, big plant, and more saplings.
Propagation through root division
It is easy to make more plants by dividing the mother plant’s roots.
Propagation through stem
Propagation through the stem is also a straightforward and successful method for the Maranta Lemon Lime plant.
Note; It’s an optimal step, but if you can arrange the growth hormones, then after cutting the stem from the mother plant, dip it in the root growth hormone to accelerate the root’s fast growth.

Is the Maranta Lemon Lime Prayer plant toxic to pets?
Lemon Lime Maranta is an eye-catching and nontoxic plant for pets and humans; touching or ingesting its leaves, roots, or flowers won’t harm cats, dogs, or humans.
Kids and pets love to touch and play around because of its attractive foliage colors, so freely let your pets and kids feel the plant. No harmful effects have been reported after the ingestion of this plant.

Common Problems for Maranta Lemon Lime
Spider Mites
Spider mites invade indoor and outdoor plants if the humidity level around these plants is low. These pests feed on the tissue and sap of the leaves, and that’s why these tiny pests attack leafy plants. Spider mites can be easily identified by the web present on the back of the leaf and the joints of the stem; additional symptoms are brown spots or yellow leaves.
When you notice the spider mite attack the Lemon Lime plant wash the entire plant with a strong water stream, wipe the leaves with a clean cloth and increase the humidity around the plant as spider mites hate high humidity. Keep examining the leaves and joints of the plants.
If they persist, apply a natural insecticide Neem oil on the leaf. If the infection is uncontrollable, then cut off the infected parts of the plant or spray the pesticide for the cure.
Note: Garlic oil, cottonseed oil, and clove oil are also very good insecticides and insect repellants.
Lemon-lime plant secrets a sticky substance known as honeydew and is attractive for mealybugs and other pests. If your Lemon Lime plant shows some powdery substance on its leaves, it means mealybugs have attacked the plant. To cure plants of mealybugs, use the same natural insecticides mentioned in the spider mites section.
It’s important to cure them rapidly as mealybugs spread fast and affect the other parts of the plant too. Use a cotton ball soaked in alcohol and clean the affected leaves.
Brown Leaf Tips
Maranta Lemon-lime tips start getting brown or curly when it is present in a dry environment, or salts present in tap water are harming the leaves. Provide humidity to the plant and water it with filtered water.

Browning of the leaf edges
Keep in mind that the curling and browning of the leaf indicate that plant is unhappy. Please thoroughly check the climatic conditions of the plant for remedial action.
Leaf Spot
Leaf spot diseases occur if water remains on the plant leaves after misting. Furthermore, water drops on the leaves invite fungus or bacteria to invade the wet area of the leaf, and as a result, leaf spotting occurs. You can control this disease by avoiding overwatering and wiping out the excess water from the foliage.

Leaf spot
Natural insecticide, neem oil, is suitable against fungal and bacterial diseases.
Root Rot
Bad drainage soil will hold water for a long time in the pot, creating a waterlogged condition in the pot. Furthermore, soil-born fungus rapidly grows in a wet environment and attacks the plant’s roots; Root rot occurs to your Prayer plants if their soil is not well-drained, and the roots stay for a long time in soggy soil.
Therefore, if your plants start wilting and have restricted growth, they might suffer from root rot.
Immediately remove the plant from soggy soil, snip the unhealthy roots with the sterilized tool, wash the pot with fungicidal soap, and repot it in fresh soil to recover from the disease.
Does Maranta Lemon Lime tolerate low light?
They can grow in low light, but they prefer to grow in medium bright diffused light.
My Maranta Lemon Lime is not closing its leaves?
Maranta Prayer plants respond to the light intensity; maybe your plant is in too much bright light or meager light; move it to a medium bright light to see its leaves’ photoperiodism movement.
What is the best spot for the Maranta Lemon Lime plant, indoor and outdoor?
Anywhere with a bright, shaded area, it will thrive well. Keep it near the window or any bright place; for outdoor plants, place it on a balcony or under the shade of a tree.
Why my Maranta Lemon Lime plant has become leggy?
This problem usually occurs when one side of the plant is exposed to the light while another side gets less light; plants will start lagging towards the light source and become stretchy. That’s why it is necessary to provide filtered light to the whole plant.
Why did Maranta plant leaves start turning yellow and bleached?
Yellow leaves are a sign of overwatering, don’t water your plant again until the soil becomes dry, or use a moisture meter to water it again. In contrast, bleached leaves are due to exposure to intense light or direct sunlight.